04/08/2024 19:53:25

Changes to the Land Law from August 1, 2024


See The Space would like to summarize the basic changes in land law that have been implemented since August 1, 2024 for your reference. We believe that Land Law will become more realistic to life to ensure that people's rights are increasingly protected.:


1 Remove land frame:

Previous land Law New land law
Is the basis for adjusting the land price list Apply an annual land price list
Change the price list according to the 5-year cycle. Tax declaration close to actual trading rate


2. Abolish the regulation on land allocation by household

Cancel the regulation on issuing red books to the entire household including father, mother, and children to simplify administrative procedures when there is a need to transfer.


3. Regulations on rice land transfer

Abolish the regulation that households not participating in agricultural production are not allowed to buy/transfer agricultural land

Increase the limit for transferring agricultural land use rights


4. Publicly announce land use planning as follows:

Provincial land use plan

District level land use planning

District-level annual land use plan


5. Complete resettlement arrangements before land recovery:

Provincial-District People's Committees are responsible for organizing the formulation and implementation of resettlement projects


6. Regulation of principles and conditions for dividing and combining land plots

Minimum area limit allowed for plot separation

Limit the situation of land fever, dividing plots for sale

Not limiting people's legitimate need to separate plots


7. Land use principles:

Correct intended use

Use land sustainably, economically and effectively

Protect land and environment

Won't abuse pesticides

Sustainable land protection is a guideline for correct and effective land use

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